Eating Right: Living the Word of Wisdom

Eating Right: Living the Word of Wisdom

Class taught by Laura DeFreese, 9/29/12

I.  Our bodies are amazingthey are made of 60-90 trillion cells (1), work through the night to detoxify and regenerate as we sleep, pump an average of 1.3 gallons of blood per minute, and average over 100,000 heart beats a day (2). For more insight into the miraculous facts about our body, look up Elder Russell M. Nelson’s talk, The Magnificence of Man, January 1988 Ensign.

II.  Our body is a temple to house our spiritit “help[s] us learn, progress, serve, and glorify the Giver of the gift: God.” (3)  The body is “the instrument of your mind and the foundation of your character.” (From the patriarchal blessing of Pres. Boyd K. Packer, quoted in Nov. 2000 Ensign, 72)

III.  We must respect and care for our body to keep it working well throughout our lives.  “How we care for our physical bodies affects us spiritually.” (4) 

Treating the body properly requires deliberate thought and effort – being “a grateful and wise steward of the body often requires giving up something worldly to gain something heavenly, [such as] giving up the short-term pleasures of overeating [or] the avoidance of proper exercise.” (3)   It may require taking time to plan and prepare healthy meals, giving up a harmful habit, letting go of wasting time and energy obsessing over body shape/size, etc.

Amid the world’s controversy and confusion of what to eat and drink, we have been blessed with the Word of Wisdom to use as a tool to measure the truth regarding nutrition.

President Ezra Taft Benson said, “The Word of Wisdom allows us to know that the Lord is vitally concerned about the health of His Saints.  He has graciously given us counsel for improving our health, endurance, and resistance to many diseases.” (5)

IV.  The Word of Wisdom was revealed 180 years ago on February 27, 1833.  Originally it was not given as a commandment which “allowed a time of adjustment for those who were already members of the Church,” but later, after sufficient time for the Saints to make needed changes, it was “announced . . . by President Brigham Young that the Word of Wisdom was a revelation and a command of the Lord.” (6)

It is interesting to note that the Word of Wisdom was given at a time when medical scientific research was barely beginning, when “childbirth fever” was not yet solved, when Louis Pasteur “had not yet documented the germ theory,” and when opium-based Brown’s Teething Cordial was sold for fretful babies.” (7)  Also at this time, the Bayer Company marketed a cough syrup that contained heroin and Coca-Cola contained cocaine.  And, a man could begin to practice medicine after only three to four months of study. (7)

Since that time, the Word of Wisdom has been validated by scientific research.  The very foods the Lord counseled us to eat in 1833 are the foods scientists are now finding to be key in preventing many of the diseases plaguing us today – heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. 

V.  The foods the Lord instructs us to eat in the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89:10-17):

“all wholesome herbs” – The word “herb” refers to vegetables and plants that are nourishing and healthful for man.”(6)  The urgent message of many health professionals today is “Eat more vegetables.” Green vegetables are known to be especially important in providing vital nutrients that fight cancer and heart disease. As antibiotics are becoming less effective, herbs are becoming popular once again for treating illness.

“every fruit” – Fruit, especially the whole fruit, skin included, contains important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals not found in other foods.  This applies to vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, and grains, too.  Scientific evidence shows the whole food is significantly more effective in fighting various diseases, including cancer, than those that have been adulterated in some way.

“in the season thereof” – Any grain, fruit, or vegetable “is out of season no matter what part of the year it may be, if it is unfit for use.”(6) The phrase refers to the fruit, etc. being at its peak of nutrition, but “does not necessarily prohibit the use of fruits or vegetables out of season if preserved by proper methods.”(6)  More nutrients are obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables than from those that have been sitting in storage or transport for extended periods of time.

“to be used with prudence . . .” means exercising wisdom, reason, and good judgment in the use of resources.

“. . . and thanksgiving” – with gratitude.

“flesh . . . of beasts and of the fowls of the air . . . to be used sparingly” – sparingly means “severely restricted,” “only under certain circumstances,” “to use or dispense frugally,” “to be frugal,” “not liberal or profuse.”  Many of our prophets strictly followed this by eating very little meat and avoiding it altogether in summer and other times of the year.  Modern scientific research has found that too much meat in the diet can cause an imbalance of pH in the body leading to a wide scope of complications and diseases. “Humans . . . have livers with very limited capacities for cholesterol removal – they can remove only a little more than they make for themselves for their own bodies . . . .” (8)

 “All grain is ordained for the use of man” -- whole grains are an important part of our diet. When used whole, the bran and germ included, they provide valuable nutrients essential for health: fiber, healthy unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, plant enzymes, and hundreds of phytochemicals. In the Word of Wisdom the Lord says that “wheat is for man.” Wheat and other grains are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. Unfortunately wheat and other grains have been given a bad rap lately, especially with the gluten-free focus.  Those who are genuinely sensitive or reactive to gluten, including those with celiac disease, must strictly avoid wheat and other gluten-containing grains, however, make sure the diagnosis is correct before cutting out these valuable grains.

“fruit of the vine . . . whether in the ground or above the ground” – From zucchini and cucumbers to potatoes and peanuts, all are valuable food sources provided by the Lord. Although potatoes are shunned by some, they were heroes to “the miners who streamed west with the Gold Rush.” The generous amount of Vitamin C contained in potatoes cured the scurvy that had stricken the miners. (9)

In 1844, in reference to the Word of Wisdom, Patriarch Hyrum Smith said, “Who made the corn, the wheat, the rye, and all the vegetable substances? And who was it that organized man, and constituted him as he is found?  Who made his stomach, and his digestive organs, and prepared proper nutriment for his system . . . and his form be invigorated by that kind of food which the laws of nature, and the laws of God has said would be good for man?” (7)

We now know that whole foods lead to higher metabolism, less hunger, lower levels of triglycerides, lower blood sugar, helps body maintain healthier muscle/fat proportion.

“Researchers already know that people in countries with diets that consist almost entirely of locally grown fruits and vegetables are protected against cancer and heart disease.” (7)  “In America, on the other hand, where fresh produce represents only a small part of our diet, cancer and heart disease are the most frequent causes of death.” (7)

VI.  The Lord has instructed us in the Word of Wisdom to abstain from: “wine or strong drink,” “tobacco,” and “hot drinks” which the Prophet Joseph Smith said meant tea and coffee. (6) 

Satan wants us to misuse our body. Giving in to the harmful substances warned of in the Word of Wisdom, will create addictions that are extremely difficult to overcome.

Pres. Brigham Young said, “. . . whenever we take anything into the system to force and stimulate it beyond its natural capacity, it shortens life.” (10-Young, 212) Pres. Heber J. Grant said, “The Lord does not want you to use any drug that creates an appetite for itself.” (10-Grant, 189)

VII.  Conspiring men in the last days – A reality! Many food manufacturers today use “flavorists,” who alter the taste of the product with specific ingredient or chemical combinations designed to create cravings and addictions in their consumers.  This type of deception brings in a lot of money for the food company. Genetic engineering, over-hybridization, misleading advertisements, deceptive labeling, media promoting, etc. are all evidences of the “evils and designs” in the hearts of these conspiring men we have been warned about (D&C 89:4).

VIII.  The Church urges men to use self-mastery to control their appetites, their tempers, and their speech. A man is not at his best when he is a slave to some habit.” (10-McKay, p. 106)

President David O. McKay explained that harmful substances not only have an ill effect upon the nerves and tissues of the body, but also upon one’s character. (10-McKay, p. 106)  He also said we “should resist all these habits, not only for the blessing that is promised herein by our Father, but also because of the strength so acquired to resist greater temptations.” (10-McKay, p. 107)

“Some use excuses for not fully abiding by the Word of Wisdom and others “seek justification for their indulgences” which Pres. McKay says is when they “parade the weakness of their faith in the Lord’s words.” (10-McKay, p. 104)

A great example of self-mastery and maintaining health comes from President Brigham Young.  He explained that when he went into the homes of the brethren they wanted to share food with him but he would only accept a piece of Johnnycake (cornbread).  He said, “I would rather have it than their pies and tarts and sweet meats.  Let me have something that will sustain nature and leave my stomach and whole system clear to receive the Spirit of the Lord and be free from headache and pains of every kind.” (10-Young, 213)


IX.  “With the Lord’s help, every Latter-day Saint can keep the Word of Wisdom.”  The Lord has “endowed every man, woman and child among the Latter-day Saints with the power and the ability to keep the Word of Wisdom.”  “There is not a man or a woman among all the Latter-day Saints but who could keep the Word of Wisdom if they got down on their knees . . . and pray[ed] to God for help.” (10-Grant, 195, 196)  The Lord gave the Word of Wisdom for all -- “adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints . . .” (D&C 89:3)  Sister Anna Snow stopped drinking coffee on her 83rd birthday.  Coffee had been a lifelong habit for her and kept her from fully keeping the Word of Wisdom.  In a testimony, she shared her gratitude for the help of the Lord in being able “to overcome her failing.” (10-Grant, 196)

X.  The Lord Promises: Both physical AND spiritual blessings. D & C 89:3 “states that [the] revelation was ‘given for a principle with promise’.”  To receive the promise, we must obey the principle.” (6)

·         D&C 89:18. Physical health – Pres. Grant’s healthy heart kept him alive during a surgery the doctors believed he could not survive. (10–Grant, 190-191)

·         D&C 89:19. Intelligence - “Wisdom and great treasures of knowledge” - “treasures of spiritual knowledge were poured out upon the brethren attending the School of the Prophets, and they made great advances in their understanding of the gospel.” (10–Joseph Smith, p. 263)

·         D&C 89:20. The ability to “run and not be weary, and . . . walk and not faint.”

·         D&C 89:21. Protection from the destroying angel

Pres. Heber J. Grant said, “No man or woman who is keeping the Word of Wisdom finds fault with it.  Why?  Because they know of the health they enjoy, they know of the peace, the joy, the comfort, the satisfaction that come to their hearts when they do what the Lord wants them to do.” (10-Grant, 193)

In 1991, Larry Tucker said in his Ensign article, “Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are among the healthiest and longest-living people on the earth today.  Such are the blessings of obedience to the Word of Wisdom.” (11)

All those who faithfully obey the Word of Wisdom are entitled to the Lord’s wonderful promises.  Read the beautiful and inspiring story told by Elder Eduardo Ayala, of a young microneurosurgeon who followed the Word of Wisdom all his life and experienced a time when he really needed the blessings promised by the Lord for the obedient.  In a desperate situation he humbly prayed, “I need these promises to come to me now.” (12) After a trial of his faith, the Lord’s promises came forth in a great way.  Be sure to look up the story!


1.     Iyer, S. Building Blocks of Life.

2.     Bianco, C. How Your Heart Works.

3.     Spangler, Diane L. The Body, a Sacred Gift. Ensign, July 2005.

4.     Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual, Lesson 22: The Word of Wisdom: “A Principle with Promise.” 1999.

5.     Benson, Ezra T. A Principle with a Promise. Ensign, May 1983.

6.     Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual 2nd Edition, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, SLC, UT, 2001; 207,209-210.

7.     Johnson, K. The Word of Wisdom Food Plan – A Medical Review of the Mormon Doctrine. CFI, Springville, UT 1993; 10,32.

8.     The McDougal Newsletter. July 2003.

9.     Larson, Lora. The Do’s in the Word of Wisdom. Ensign, April 1977.

10. Teachings of the Presidents of the Church – Various issues, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, SLC, UT.

11. Tucker, L. Research and Perspectives: Tobacco is Not for the Body.  Ensign, June 1991.

12. Elder Eduardo Ayala. The Word of Wisdom. Ensign, Nov. 1990.